MPS 2020 Activities Calendar is now live and available online. You can view the calendar at https://www.southernnebraskaconference.org/public/genie/461/school/5/ If you would like to subscribe to the online calendar copy and paste the following link into your favorite calendar application on your smartphone or computer https://srv2-advancedview.rschooltoday.com/public/conference/ical/u/ff017d607b2d6c909a7fbaaadeebcbe6 With flexibility needed for this upcoming school year there will not be a printed calendar published. The online calendar will be updated daily with changes, cancellations, and postponements. #milfordsoar

MPS 2020 Activities Calendar is now live and available online. You can view the calendar at https://www.southernnebraskaconference.org/public/genie/461/school/5/ or use the following link to subscribe to the MPS calendar through your favorite calendar application on your smartphone or computer srv2-advancedview.rschooltoday.com/public/conference/ical/u/6304183d9928356fd6104130a829f1e6-- With flexibility needed for this upcoming school year there will not be a printed calendar published. The online calendar will be updated daily with changes, cancellations, and postponements. #milfordsoar

We are going to continue to highlight our new 2020-2021 new staff members. We are excited to have each and every one of you joining our staff. Welcome to MPS.

We are going to continue to highlight our new 2020-2021 new staff members. We are excited to have each and every one of you joining our staff. Welcome to MPS.

It was a record breaking year for #Milfordsoar student athletes! Even without spring sports, 17 school records were broken and another 11 student athletes moved into the Top 10 on either the Cross Country, Girls Basketball, or Football career charts. Congratulations!

Join us tomorrow night for the 2nd Grade Music Program at 6:30 pm. Come support these young students and their hard work!